
Senior Wing

  • Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.

    At Enaraa High School we adopt modern outlook towards educating our students. Learning is oriented through number of activities, projects, social service activities and variety of collaborative programs.

1. Activity Led Learning

The young learners are exposed to various science based activities like Germination, Evaporation and experiments based on the concepts like Water Cycle, Fine Senses, Gravity Magnets and Colours. This helps the children understand different concepts through experiments and acquire knowledge using their sensory skills.

2. Educational Trips

These trips are organized to make the children aware of their environment, to know their mother nature better along with its benefits and to make the children independent. These trips are organized to visit places like zoological park, amusement parks, museums, historical places etc.

3. Technology Integration

To enhance learning experience, technology is integrated with in curriculum. Teachers use presentations, simulations and virtual labs. These help the children to grasp the concepts in a better way through visual and audio effects.

4. Holistic Development

The school authorities, on regular intervals, organize Islamic orientation in school. The children are made encouraged to participate in Deeniyath competitions, Moral Values and Qirath.

5. Interdisciplinary Curriculum

Interdisciplinary Curriculum integrates one or more disciplines to examine a central theme, issue, problem topic or experience through a variety of activities / experiments.

6. Administrative Leadership

Students learn to shoulder responsibilities and be effective leaders as Head Girl / Head Boy, House Captains, Vice Captains, Cultural, Literary and Sports Secretaries and Prefects.

7. Cultural Awareness

Cultural Education forms an important part of a broad and balanced curriculum. This is achieved through a variety of programs like Art education, visits to museums, exchange programs and Inter school events like