
Short description about event

Republic Day is celebrated on 26th January to honor the adoption of the Indian Constitution and India’s transition into a sovereign republic. The day is marked with flag hoisting, patriotic parades, cultural performances, and tributes to national heroes across the country.

76th Republic Day

Republic Day is a symbol of India’s sovereignty, democracy, and commitment to justice, liberty, and equality. It marks the adoption of the Indian Constitution on 26th January 1950, laying the foundation for the nation’s governance.

The celebrations, including the grand parade and cultural programs, honor the sacrifices of freedom fighters and instill patriotism among citizens. It serves as a reminder of our duties and responsibilities towards the country, promoting unity and national pride.

Details about the event.

Details of the clebration event is below:

  • Date: Friday 24th January 2025
  • Class: For All Grades
  • Times: 8.30am - 11.30pm
  • Location: Clebration will be held at Enaraa High School, Suncity.
Instruction for the event.

Please attend the school for the clebration

Those who take participation in event should arrive at school 15 minutes earlier

Please bring snacks for the short break

Please wear regular school uniform on the clebration day

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